In a normal human, exposure of light on to one eye will cause the constriction of both eye pupils. For example: if light is made to fall on the left eye and left eye pupil constricts, we say the DIRECT LIGHT REFLEX for left eye is POSITIVE. The right eye pupil will also constrict, even though the left eye is stimulated, we say the INDIRECT OR CONSENSUAL LIGHT REFLEX for the left eye is also positive. Same is true if the right eye is stimulated.
The red line
indicates the 10% fibers from the optic tract entering the midbrain. They
terminate at the pretectal nucleus (anterior to the superior colliculus). When
light stimulation from one eye is accepted by that eyes retina. Fibers from the
retina move via the optic chiasma to both right and left optic tracts. 10% of
these tracts enter the midbrain and synapse at the pretactal nucleus. The
pretactal nucleus gives axons to the rostral (upper) part of the EDINGER
WESTIPHAL NUCLEUS: (cranial nucleus for parasympathetic system) of the same
side. Also both right and left pretactal nucleus are connected with eachother
by the POSTERIOR COMMISURE, via which some fibers go to the opposite pretactal
nucleus. On the medial sides of the
edinger westiphal nucleus lies the right and left occulomoter nerve nucleus.
From the
occulomoter nerve nucleus the occulomoter the nerve arises. THE AXONS
NUCLEUS TO FORM THE OCCULOMOTER NERVE. The occulomoter nerve synapses at the
ciliary ganglion. From the ciliary ganglion short ciliary nerves arise,
penetrate the sclera, move between the sclera and choroid, and pierce the
cilliary muscle to reach the sphinter pupillae (circular smooth muscles that
contracts pupil).
ACH is released
at the ciliary ganglion as well as the sphinter pupillae. {on the sphinter pupillae there
are M3 receptors which when stimulated by ACH, inturn stimulate Gq protein,
which in turn stimulates phospholipase C. Phospholipase C breaks phosphatidyl-inositol diphosphate in the cell membrane to IP3 and
diacylglycerol. IP3 acts on endoplasmic reticulum and pumps out Ca from it.
Presence of Ca brings about contraction}
Additional to
this the medial rectus muscles also contracts to reduce ocular axis. When the
neurons in the optic radiation terminate at the calcarine sulcus, some next
order neurons move backwards from the medial side of cerebral hemisphere to its
lateral side and terminates in the frontal eye fields situated in the middle
frontal gyrus anterior to the precentral gyrus.
Axons from the
frontal eyefields move upwards and downwards medially to synapse with the
edhinger westphal nucleus and the occulomoter nerve nucleus, which again give
axons that move along the occulomoter nerve. These fibers leave the occulomoter
nerve to synapse with the the medial rectus muscles.
{The ciliary muscle
innervates the zonules that innervate the lens, while the sphinter pupillae
innervates the anterior pupil. When the sphinter pupilae contracts the pupil
constricts and when the ciliary muscle contracts, the zonules contract and the
lens becomes rounded.}
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